Technology refers to human-made tools and machines. This could include anything from wooden spoons and crowbars, to complex devices such as particle accelerators and space shuttles, while computer software or processes may also fall within this umbrella term. Implementations of different technologies may have both positive and negative consequences on society as a whole as well as on the natural environment.
Technological innovations have transformed our world in many ways and continue to do so today. People have grown more reliant on technology than ever before; its effects can be felt across communication, learning and work processes as well as our relationships – it is therefore imperative that people understand its effects on daily lives and how best to use it for maximum benefit.
Tech development has occurred over time and each step advances the next one. Wheels were first invented to make transport simpler; then came steam engines for efficient production of coal and other energy sources; but when computers came along, technological progress really picked up steam.
One of the greatest impacts of technology has been to increase access to knowledge. Students now can study a wide variety of subjects online or via digital resources from the comfort of their own homes or workplaces – helping them prepare for exams, write essays, and complete coursework without physically attending a classroom.
Technology has greatly increased business efficiency and reduced costs by making data management simpler for organizations, while making hackers and spammers much easier to gain access to private information about companies or individuals. Unfortunately, however, technology also makes hackers and spammers easier targets as it makes accessing that data much simpler for thieves.
Technology’s impact in education has also grown, allowing educators and authors to provide education to students from around the globe through online courses. This has significantly decreased inequality between higher income countries and lower income countries and allowed for students to study at their own pace using materials like videos, tutorials/guidebooks, informational websites and blogs of educators/authors.
Technology has had both positive and negative effects on humanity, but its contribution has unquestionably enhanced our quality of life. Better farming techniques allow more food to be produced with less water and land; medicine has advanced such that previously incurable diseases have been treated or eradicated altogether; nonetheless some people fail to appreciate all that technology offers them and remain unaware of any possible harm it might pose; this must be addressed so we can reap its rewards without risking our health and wellbeing in doing so.